Agency: Ainsworth Design Group
Client: Del Taco & GameFly
Role: Graphic Design, Production
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Mac
Art Director: Joe Senger
Description: GameFly Partnered with Del Taco for a promotional campaign marketing their service with a series of collectible cup designs. I was asked to develop four distinct designs reflecting four popular categories of games: Racing, Military/Strategy, First Person Shooter, and Sports.
What made the project especially challenging was that we weren’t legally able to include any specific intellectual property from any of the games being featured other than the image of the game covers themselves. So each design had to evoke the look and feel of these popular gaming genres without infringing on any of the IP that made these genres popular!
Due to the family friendly requirements of Del Taco, no real guns or violence could be included, even for the military or first person shooter designs. I handled this by using a cartoonish style for both and featuring a robot for the first-person-shooter design.
The resulting campaign was a big success, driving sales at Del Taco and bringing in new sign-ups for GameFly via the QR codes embedded within the packaging. There were several technical hurdles to clear in getting all the functional elements working correctly to ensure a seamless experience for the customer, which made this one of my most enjoyable and memorable projects with Del Taco and Ainsworth Design.
Agency: Ainsworth Design Group
Client: Del Taco
Role: Graphic Design, Production Design
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Mac
Art Director: Bill Ainsworth